Thursday, March 19, 2009

A day in the life. . .

of this working mom. I started back Monday and here is what my life looks like now. . .

5:40 AM- get up, shower, get ready
6:00 AM- get boy out of crib, change diaper, get him dressed
6:15-6:45 - feed the boy and run around the house throwing last minute items in my bag
6:45-7:00 - scarf down breakfast, make-up?, head towards car
7:00-7:30 car ride to work: Adam driving, Michelle pumping breastmilk, Jacob napping
7:35-8:30 run around school pulling my lessons together
8:30-10:00 Teach three lessons
10:00-10:15 Kids go to recess; Michelle PUMP#2 for the day, trying not to spill after like a I did on Tuesday
10:15-10:30 Frantically scarf down my snack, change my room out for the next set of lessons
10:30-12:00 Teach 3 more lessons
12:00-12:30 eat lunch, catch up on email, lesson plan
12:30-12:45 PUMP#3, see above
12:45-1:00 lesson plan, switch out classroom for afternoon
1:00-3:00 4 more lessons
3:00-3:30 Frantically run around school to pull tomorrows lessons together
3:30 Adam picks me up and takes me back to the Cains
3:45- 4:15 Feed the boy
4:15-4:45/5ish- hang out while Adam finishes work, play with the boy
5-5:45- drive home, Jacob naps, Mom and Dad talk
5:45-6:30 prep dinner, eat dinner, change boy into PJ's/bath??
6:30 Feed the boy
7:00-Try to put the boy down unless he is still eating (which he tends to for a while at night)
7:30-9 Finish lesson planning, laundry, clean up from dinner
9:00 start prepping for last feed and pump of the day
9:15 Feed the boy
9:45 Pump while praying the boy sleeps through the night again
10:00 Night night and start again tomorrow.

Are you tired? I am!