Tuesday, August 25, 2009

And then life hit us!

I can hardly keep up with daily activities like eating, sleeping, and showering so I don't know how I am supposed to blog too! SOOO, I won't tell you what else I am doing while I am writing this at my desk at work (ok, just eating lunch, pumping, and trying to finish sub plans for Friday).

We took the boy to the doctor for his 8 month check-up. Yes, I know we aren't supposed to have one til 9 months but we are behind on vaccinations. We held off in the beginning because we wanted to read a couple of books before giving shots. SO anyway, the boy weighed 19 pounds 2 ounces and was 28.5 inches long. He has gone from 90th percentile in the beginning to 45th percentile in weight. I almost had a panic attack but our doc says that is normal once they start moving. He is still 80th percentile for length which makes him seem even skinnier (at least to Momma). We have hit some major milestones in the last two weeks. We got our first tooth, started to crawl, can move from crawling back into the seated position, and started throwing fits. I am elated about the first three. The last one not so much! He really lets us know what he wants and what he doesn't want. He is beginning to show signs of being like his father. Just kidding. More like me and my sinful self than anyone else. He does this awesome growl and hold his breath thing too. That he does for laughs not when he is angry. He is always trying to find new ways to make us laugh and he does it quite well.

I am anxious to get to the end of this week. I get to go home and see my parents. I am so excited for them to see the boy and all that he is doing. He has changed so much since they were here in Arizona in February. And oh yeah, I have my ten year reunion too! I am looking forward to reconnecting with my friends and seeing my best friend's little guy! I am also anxious to see who has come to have a relationship with the Lord. I have been quite surprised on Facebook by people who now walk with Him and I am so excited to see who else loves my Jesus! I am also excited to show off my baby and hot hubby! :)

That's all for now. Gotta go get ready for my crazy afternoon!

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