Ok, my blog has been void of posts lately which means funny preschool stories have been lacking. Now that we are telling people we are pregnant, I thought I would share the most hilarious preschool stories of the year from last week (at least for me):
In the hall for all to hear:
M: Is there a baby in there?
Miss Michelle: Yes, there is.
M: Are you pulling my leg?
Miss Michelle: (laughing) Nope, I am not pulling your leg!
M: "Pulling my leg" is an expression. It means, "Are you kidding me?"
Miss Michelle: It is an expression! It's an idiom! You're right!
M: So, you're not pulling my leg?
Miss Michelle: Nope, there's a baby in there!
A day prior when M wasn't around:
W: Is there a baby in there?
Miss Michelle: Yes there is
W: (in disbelief) JUST LIKE MY MOM!
Miss Michelle: Yup, just like your mom!
W: Well, I hope it's a girl just like my mom is having so the babies can be friends.
Miss Michelle: I think that would be nice, W.
Class discussion about baby since my tummy is no longer flat:
C: Baby in you tummy?
Miss Michelle: Yes, there's a baby in my tummy
S: But you don't look like Miss Michally (who gave birth early this morning 5/28)
Miss Michelle: My baby is still very small. It has to grow in my tummy for a long time. Miss Michally's baby is already big. I will look like Miss Michally at Christmas.
C: You have big belly at Christmas
Miss Michelle: Yup, just like Santa
Class: ooooooooh.
9 years ago
I love your preschool stories! They make me laugh!
Oh my gosh I love this story! Wow was my belly ever big too :) I can't believe Im going to say this but.. I actually miss those kids. THey are all so stinkin cute and they do say the cutest things. YOu do a nice job of painting a picture of the great things they say and do.
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