Wednesday, July 09, 2008

16 weeks

So the baby books say that our child has doubled its length and weight in the last two weeks. I believe it. People are beginning to recognize me as pregnant and not just chubby. That's nice! AND big news, I felt our munchkin move for the first time on Sunday. . .it feels like butterflies in your lower belly. . .WEIRD! And that's all for the baby update!


Deb said...

Yeah a baby belly.

I can't wait to see you.

Anonymous said...

Oh you are one of those really cute preg girls. I love the belly pict! Just wait or ask Michally, it isn't always like butterflies, soon you are getting kicked like crazy in the ribs and stuff. Rarely is it painful, but definitely uncomfortable every now and then. Are you going to find out what teh sex is or wait???

Cari said...

isn't that cute...

The Dansbys said...

don't you worry, i was planning on posting about it later today. i keep forgetting he had a haircut and i don't recognize him a little bit! so weird!!!