Tuesday, August 19, 2008

They're baaaaaack!

School is in full swing and the munchkins are back. I had a hard time believing that my class was going to be as fun and funny as last years was. I had so many kids move up to kindergarten that I couldn't envision what my new class would be like. I have 7 returners and 7 new kids. My returners have blown me away with intelligable full sentences or new intelligable vocabulary! It's so satisfying to hear them speaking so clearly. My seven new ones are a handful but it's such a blessing! They are so exciting and such fun personalities Some of my favorite conversations over the last two days are as follows:

A is my student that was naming things at the beginning of last year and came into our school six months before that only smacking her lips. Some background so you understand why I fell over after this conversation:

A: Miss Michelle, you came back and your belly is bigger!
Me: You're right! I have a baby in my belly!
A: I know. You will go to the hospital and not come to school for a while.

E is no longer my student; she's in kindergarten now, but very excited about the baby. Today when she saw me in the hall she said:

E: Miss Michelle! I see your baby! (touching my belly button)
E: No, that is your baby's finger poking out!

Here are some one liners! They may amuse me more than you but they all made me laugh:

T: Wow Miss Michelle! Nice catch! (upon catching several sheets of paper after I pushed them off the counter)
A: Soap (pointing under the sink with soap), no soap (pointing under the sink with no soap. . .to our surprise she was right and the no soap sink was missing the container that hangs underneath. . .this is coming from the girl with NOOOOOO VOCAB last year!)

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