Sunday, September 21, 2008

Semi-belly pictures

Still haven't had 4 spare seconds to take a dumb picture of my belly. So here's my friends and I at youth group tonight. My belly is real. . .theirs are balloons. Hope these hold you over.
Me and Anna

Val, me and Anna

Monday, September 15, 2008

My life in list form

Coming soon to this blog:
*belly pictures
*some quotes from the book I just finished, "Created To Be His Help Meet"

Things that are exciting:
*buying a new used car (with cash, booya!)
*getting my shower dates on the calendar
*seeing my kid move through my clothes
*watching our child respond to my singing (it probably wants me to can it)
*4 weeks until I get a two week fall break
*3 weeks til the women's retreat (that I am the director of )is over

Things that are sad:
*I am wearing my slippers at work because my feet are so swollen
*I cannot wear my rings anymore because my hands look like creme puffs
*sometimes I put on my maternity clothes and they are too small.
*my butt
*saying goodbye to my Dodge Ram truck

How God is good to me:
*He gave me a husband who loves Christ and loves me
*I am carrying a miracle in my belly
*provision to buy a new used car without a loan (i.e.- a hard working husband)
*steadfast friends (sisters included) who listen really well

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My kid rocks out

I can tell our baby is already going to be musically inclined. For one it is part Hagenbuck so it has to love music but the thing that leads me to believe our child will be a music lover is the amount of movement that goes on when I sing. When I sing at school during music time, I get a little movement.I am aware that the baby is there. When I sing at church during worship time, I get a ton of movement. I am sure having a congregation singing and a band adds to the volume of what the baby hears. This past Sunday though, our kid rocked out to one of my favorite songs, Glory in the Highest by Chris Tomlin. I couldn't help but think of the passage in Matthew about John the Baptist leaping for joy in his mother, Elizabeth's, womb when Mary came to announce she was pregnant with Jesus. There was some definate leaping for joy. You could see it on the outside of my dress! SOOOO, below are the lyrics!

You are the first
You go before
You are the last
Lord, You're the encore
Your name's in lights for all to see
The starry host declare Your glory

Glory in the highest
Glory in the highest
Glory in the highest

Apart from You there is no god
Light of the world
The Bright and Morning Star
Your name will shine for all to see
You are the one
You are my glory
And no one else could ever compare To You, Lord

All the earth together declares ...
Glory in the highest ... to You, Lord
All the earth will sing Your praise
The moon and stars, the sun and rain
Every nation will proclaim
That You are God and You will reign

Glory, glory hallelujah
Glory, glory to You, Lord
Glory, glory hallelujah

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Check-up on Baby Cain

We went for the 6 month check-up today. This was the last one before they start coming every two weeks til December and then every week after that. Adam and waiting are enemies. I think this is a product of his lack of medical issues. He never has to go to the doctor so he never really has to wait for much of anything. He was getting fiesty again. Knowing our track record however, I begged him not to make me laugh when Dr. Jaacks was diong the doppler to find the heartrate. (See last post on check-ups if you don't understand.)

Dr. Jaacks finally came in. She gave us a speech about how now the baby could live outside the womb if s/he were born early. And then gave us a speech about all the things that should send me to the hospital before my due date. It was rather comforting (sarcasm). Finally, it was time to listen to the heartbeat. She slathered the goo on my stomach and pushed around to find Baby Cain. She did and had stopped moving the wand long enough for our child to beat the crap out of it seconds later. Baby Cain has some pretty good hand-eye coordination in there because it hit the wand dead on 4 times. I couldn't believe it the first two times and it almost made me laugh (the one thing I am trying to avoid!). The third time the doctor said, "Wow, you've got an active one in there. Doesn't like to have it's space invaded either" Adam was a very proud father at this point. He shared with the doctor how every time he pokes my belly, the baby responds with a hearty kick or punch (so much fun for mom). I think it is probably a sign of what's to come. . .a very active child with a very tired momma! SOOO, everything was normal. Heartrate was 154.

I am having some psychological issues. I know weight gain is normal but it's a killer to get on that scale at the Dr's office. She assured me that 14 pounds (yes, I said 14 pounds) was perfect for this point in the pregnancy (25 weeks) and that it was only going to add up faster from here. It's fun when you weigh more than your husband. Adam was glad she said something because I am sure he is sick and tired of answering me when I say, "Are you sure the rest of me is not getting bigger? Are you SURE it's only my belly??"

My other psychological issues include the rate at which the future is coming. I think summer gave my a false sense that this process was gonna take a while. December is so far away! Now that school has started and the weeks rush by, December is looming. We scheduled the rest of my doctor appointments through December when we were there yesterday. I felt like I was going to throw up. I am excited to meet our kicking creature but there is some anxiety involved in the process! I know millions of people have done it so I will be fine but it's freaking me out right now! Trust in the Lord, right?

Belly pictures will come soon. I will try to take some today in between scheduling birthing classes and test driving cars. Much love!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Pee is not funny.

Pee all over my circle time rug is even less funny. I don't understand how we can have kids move up from the Toddler Program at our school when they are peeing in their pants MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 has been the record so far. Somehow I have avoided pee in my room until this morning.

The Lord is really training me up to be a mother right now. I have actually thought that about my entire career. In Dallas, I worked with predominantly high schoolers when I was itinerant. When we moved to Phoenix my caseload shifted to only elementary/pre-k. Boy did I learn patience over those two years. . .or so I thought. Then I started my current job where I have only 3 and 4 year olds. I've learned that my markers will never again be in color order or my books as organized on the shelves as I would like but that's ok. The Lord has taught me a lot about my control issues through that and what a joy it is just to enjoy relationships. I have learned even more about patience through my little friends. This year might be the kicker, though. The Lord looked at me and laughed when I thought the lesson was learned.

God:"Patience?? You think you are patient?? Here are some more situations where you will be tested. . .be faithful to me and I will bless you."

I want to be faithful to Jesus and what he has taught me in how I respond to everyone and every situation in my life. I want to filter the words that come out of my mouth and make sure they all glorify God. That isn't easy. I learn more and more about my own depravity every day though. . .which leads me to be more and more thankful for the grace God has shown me through His Son! You can pray for perseverance in these things!!!